Founded by Bethann Hardison with the support of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), The Designers Hub is a network of fashion industry professionals dedicated to fostering, guiding and empowering new generations of Black designers and Black-owned fashion brands. Through these efforts, the Hub hopes to shift the fashion ecosystem to be one of greater equity and inclusion where talent from diverse backgrounds has the opportunity to grow unimpeded and reach the field’s highest levels.



It was the frustrating frequency of this query that sparked the Designers Hub. Founder Bethann Hardison was adamant that Black talent was there, even if they weren’t necessarily snagging headlines. But she also knew that without a solid business foundation, guidance, and a network of like-minded colleagues, their ability to flourish was made that much more difficult. Hardison set out to find as many of them as she could and create a next-generation academy where every member could acquire and hone the required skills to support their creative endeavors.


Launched in the spring of 2018, Hardison and five industry veterans began meeting monthly with a group of 15 participants in the CFDA offices to brainstorm, share stories, resources, and counsel. But the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the wave of protests stirred by the killing of George Floyd just two years later brought the need for the group’s community into sharp focus. The fashion industry at large was once again examining its relationship with race and how it could actively work to make itself more inclusive, and the Designers Hub was ready to answer the call.


Besides offering invaluable insight gained through personal experience, the Designers Hub takes its members through the nuances of e-commerce and social media as well as the ins and outs of intellectual property, finance and retail. All of this support is given to ensure the operational excellence required to achieve long-term, sustainable business goals. It is the Hub’s aim to provide steady partnership to a new generation of Black designers on the rise. 



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